Bahamut Hook Module System [2003-10-13] First released in Bahamut 1.4.36, the hook module system permits outside modules to be 'hooked' into bahamut without having to modify the core source tree. This is to allow other groups to write code to benefit IRCD that serve specific functions. As an example, some groups write modules to block common trojan / drone patterns. Once a module has been built, hooking it into the system is fairly simple. The components that are used, are: 1. A modules/ directory where the shared modules themselves are stored To enable the hook module system, you must issue --enable-hook-modules at configuration time. Example: ./configure --enable-hook-modules (As of bahamut 1.8, this is implicitely assumed.) --- 1. modules/ directory This directory stores the shared modules that you wish to hook into bahamut. The modules/ directory is found in the same directory as your server configuration files (eg: bahamut-release/modules) --- USER COMMANDS TO CONTROL MODULES There are a few new commands to control modules. They are all accessed by using /quote module . /quote module LIST List all modules loaded in memory /quote module HOOKS List where modules are hooked into ircd /quote module LOAD Load a module into memory /quote module UNLOAD Unload a module from memory To use the above commands, you must be an IRC Operator at the time of issuing the command (umode +o). To issue LOAD/UNLOAD commands, you must be a Server Adminstrator (umode +A)